Why choose Beekman Canopies
Why choose Beekman Canopies
1.1 Company History
Phantom Sound & Security was established in 1996 as an automotive fitment centre servicingGauteng and surrounding regions and has grown to a Level 2 BBBEE Company.
Being innovative and having a vision in customer satisfaction in our group we have partnered with Sparkling Auto Premium as well as Phantom Power. Business relationships were established with vehicle original equipment manufacturers(OEMs) particularly NISSAN and FORD Motor Company. The company was successful at securing major contracts and developed a renowned reputation for service excellence and quality fitment of all automotive accessories.
1.2 What the company does
The company specialises in supply and installation of:
a. Vision statement
Cutting-edge one-stop fitment centre recognised for service excellence in the motor industry
b. Mission statement
A dynamic fitment centre offering multiple vehicle accessories to car manufacturers and dealerships through competitive pricing and efficient turnarounds.
c. Values
Our business abides by the following values:
d. Business goals & objectives
e. Strategic Partnerships
In partnership with reputable service providers. The company has partnered with strategic manufacturers to offer one-stop solutions to our customer base nationally. Listed below are our partners:
f. Business competitiveness
Phantom ensures business competitiveness through offering a wide spectrum of vehicle accessories under one umbrella.
g. Service pledge
Service excellence and customer satisfaction through quality products and trained personnel
We are a Preferred Supplier to:
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